Part 3: LGA Research For Building Council Homes


In 2019 the Council was awarded a Local Government Association grant, to fund research that would support their new council house building programme. This funding created the opportunity to draw on experts who were tasked with exploring key questions about the delivery of MMC housing.

To enable innovation in housebuilding, robust and practical procurement solutions, that are effective in delivering triple-bottom-line value (social, environmental and economic benefits), need to be developed and embedded in procurement practice. 

With a view to understanding best-practice, Arcadis were instructed to identify and evaluate a number of case-study examples, where other local authorities had been successful in procuring and delivering modular housing solutions, and those where social value was a key factor in procurement.


Lessons Learnt Series: 1 Launchpad - Innovation in Practice


Part 1: LGA Research For Building Council Homes